Five Fruit Salad ice lollies 

About Fruit Ice Lollies

Quick & Easy Tip 1

Hello and welcome to the fruit ice lollies website. My name is Mieke. I am a Mum and worked as a Nursery Nurse for many years in schools, nurseries, and private homes as a Nanny. My passion for making fruit ice lollies started after I had twins and had been suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness) during pregnancy. Like any parent I wanted to give our children a treat but due to my ill health, whilst expecting, I felt it was important that the treat was nutritious too.

Twins age 3
Two small children making a flower garden

I first started making the fruit ice lollies when our children were 2 years old. The delight on the children's faces when they were given their first ice lolly, combined with the knowledge that the fruit ice lollies were nutritious too, felt enormously satisfying and inspired me to carry on making many more.... this feeling was addictive!

Due to the positive reactions from our children and their friends the idea of a fruit ice lolly recipe booklet started to form. The Healthy Homemade Fruit Ice Lollies Recipe Book was printed by professional printers in 2007 and sold locally and internationally through my previous website. Reactions from children who tasted the ice lollies and customers who bought the fruit ice lolly recipe booklet can be seen here.

Tried and Tested

I visited a school, nursery and play groups with a selection of frozen fruit purees to see other children's reactions to the different fruit puree flavours I'd brought along. The children loved trying the fruit purees samples and kept coming back for more. It didn't take long until they had all disappeared!

Speech bubble with ice lolly comment

Although these fruit ice lolly recipes were originally created for children, adults can enjoy these ice lollies too. This recipe booklet may appeal to parents, grandparents or anyone who enjoys being creative in the kitchen.

Fruit Ice Lollies Recipe Book
Made with 100% Fruit (2007)

Ice lolly recipe book

This recipe booklet demonstrates fruit can be used in a fun and creative way. By following some tips in the 'Fun Ice Lolly section,' ice lollies can be made to look more appealing to children, the young at heart and may encourage some reluctant fruit eaters to eat more fruit.


The below recipe booklet includes:

  • 48 different fruit combinations
  • 10 Fun ice lollies including: Gentle Shade, Tandem, Sandwich, Stripy, Splodge, Splatter, Dapple, Hide & Seek, Guess which colour and Traffic Light
  • Coloured photos of the Fun ice lollies
  • How to make 2 or 3 colours of fruit puree using one recipe
  • Easy instructions
  • Suggestions of using fruit puree in different ways
  • No need to freeze the ice lollies at different stages when making the patterned ice lollies
  • Making different ice lollies with one recipe


Buy Ice Lolly Recipe Book


Ice Lolly Recipe Booklet Images - more photos on ebay


Quick and Easy Ice Lollies
Three fruit ice lollies on a plate one yellow, one pink and one purple

Gentle Shade Ice Lollies
Two gentle shade ice lollies one made with banana and the other with mango

Left - Banana Gentle Shade
Right - Mango Gentle Shade using Recipe 49

Three Ice Lollies made using 1 Fruit Recipe
Fruit ice ice lollies on a plate, 1 pale yellow, 1 Tandem and 1 red.

Banana is used instead Mango in Recipe 49
(to create a different effect and flavour)

Pieces of Fresh Fruit in a Fruit Puree
Pink fruit puree with bits of different coloured fruit in it. 

If you are using a fruit puree straight away without freezing it try adding some chopped up fruit to it. It adds extra texture and flavour to the fruit puree and makes it more interesting to eat.

Please note - small pieces of fruit in the fruit puree are not suitable for young children due to choking hazards.


More images from the Healthy Homemade Fruit Ice Lollies Recipe Book can be found on the links below:

Mottled ice lollies

Splatter ice lollies

Frozen Fruit Puree


Buy Ice Lolly Recipe Book - ebay


In 2015 I started receiving enquiries for the Healthy Homemade Fruit Ice Lollies recipe booklet in an ebook format. The Craft Ice Lollies book is the finished result.




Fruit Ice Lollies © M Greenman July 2023