Five Fruit Salad ice lollies 

Fruit Ice Lollies - Ice Lolly Recipe 1

Discover the delight in making colourful ice lollies for children. The ice lollies are made with 100% fruit, with no sugar or other processed ingredients added to them. These dessert recipes are ideal for cooling off on a hot summer day!

Making ice lollies with fruit ice is very easy. All you need is a small hand blender, ice lolly moulds, ripe fruit, and a freezer. If you haven't got any ice lolly moulds, you can use small freezer containers instead. Our children loved scraping the frozen fruit puree out of the small containers with a spoon as it melted and slowly turned into slush. If you haven't got a bender, use a fork to mash the fruit. Mashed up fruit looks quite affective when frozen. The Dapple ice lollies are a good example of this.

The fruit ice lollies are ideal for children who have limited food choices in their diet including:

  • Gluten Free
  • Diary Free
  • Nut Free
  • Egg Free


The ice lollies can be made in different colours, flavours, and patterns. It's a fun way to get the children involved. Simply provide your children with different coloured fruit purees and let them put the puree into the ice lolly moulds using a small spoon. Ice lolly tip 1 shows you how easy it is to make two different coloured ice lollies with just one ice lolly recipe.

Please note
It is advisable to drink water after eating an ice lolly due to the fructose (a natural sugar) and acid in fruit. Drinking water helps to rinse the fructose and acid away, both of which can affect the teeth.


Fruit Ice Lollies
A red, green and orange ice lolly displayed on a plate

Strawberry Ice Lolly - Left
Kiwi Ice Lolly
- middle
Mango Ice Lolly - right


Before you start making the ice lollies please check the fresh fruit tips and ice lolly tips because the ice lollies may need a little forward planning. Fruit is not always ripe when you buy it from the shop and the most important aspect when making the ice lollies is that you use ripe fruit. This is to achieve optimum colour, flavour, and sweetness. Unripe fruit can spoil an otherwise tasty ice lolly.

Please note
Fruit puree should be eaten or frozen straight after blending, fruit can deteriorate quickly if not eaten straight away.

Speech bubble with,"Loved it, Brilliant, Yummy!" with Madie age 8 written underneath


Quick and Easy Fruit Ice Lollies - Recipe (1)

This method produces ice lollies in a range of different colours and flavours depending on the fruit used in the ice lolly recipe. The fruit is prepared by washing, peeling, hulling etc. The fruit is then simply blended to make a fruit puree and poured into the ice lolly moulds ready for freezing.

I use fresh fruit to make all the ice lollies apart from pineapple when I am short of time. Fresh pineapple is delicious, but it is time consuming to prepare, and only a small part of it is required. I use tinned pineapple (in natural juice) for convenience. If you are unsure about checking the ripeness of the fruit or how to prepare it then the Quick Fruit Guide will help and give you some idea.

Ice Lolly Recipe (1)
Fruit on a chopping board

1 ripe mango
tinned pineapple rings (or fresh equivalent)
6 medium strawberries
Makes 6 x 2fl oz (60 ml) fruit ice lollies (approximately)


Prepared Mango, Pineapple & Strawberries
Chopped up pieces of mango, pineapple and strawberries on a wooden board


  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Blend the fruit together to make a fruit puree
  3. Pour the fruit puree into the ice lolly moulds
  4. Add the ice lolly handles
  5. Freeze

Use more strawberries for a darker red


Quick & Easy Fruit Ice Lollies
red ice lollies displayed on a wooden board surrounded by pieces of mango, pineapple and strawberries


How to Make Different Ice Lollies using 1 Ice Lolly Recipe

All the ice lollies on this page will be made using Recipe 1, using mango, pineapple, and strawberries. The aim is to show you how easy it is to make fruit ice lollies more colourful and enticing for children, with little extra effort required. Once you are familiar with these easy tips you will be able to apply them to some other ice lolly recipes too. The fruit ice lollies can be tweaked by adding more of a certain fruit to create a more vibrant ice lolly or to enhance the taste.

If your child is not keen on mango, then you can use a banana instead to create slightly different effect and flavour. The Splatter ice lollies and Gentle Shade ice lollies show examples of this. Alternatively, the strawberries can be swapped with raspberries. Just some of the many ice lollies that can be made using recipe 1 are shown below and more ice lolly images can be found on the ice lolly recipe ebook page.


Tip 1 - How to Make 2 Different coloured Ice Lollies with 1 Ice Lolly Recipe

Using recipe 1 you can make two different coloured/flavoured ice lollies using the Quick and Easy method. This enables you to offer a choice of ice lollies to your children, with very little extra effort.

  • If you prefer to make only mango and pineapple ice lollies, then leave the strawberries out.
  • Alternatively set each colour of the fruit puree aside and let the children have some fun by letting them fill the different colours of puree into the ice lolly moulds using a small spoon.

Ice Lolly Tip 1
A yellow and red ice lolly on a plate

Yellow - Mango Ice Lolly
Red - Strawberry Ice Lolly


  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Blend the prepared mango and pineapple together to create a yellow fruit puree
  3. Pour half of this yellow fruit puree into the ice lolly moulds
  4. Add all the strawberries to the remaining yellow fruit puree and blend
  5. Pour the red fruit puree into the ice lolly moulds
  6. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  7. Freeze


Use more pineapple for a more enhanced tropical flavour


Three Different Ice Lollies using Recipe 1

Quick and Easy Ice Lollies
A yellow, Tandem and red ice lolly on a plate
Tandem Ice Lolly (middle)


  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Blend the prepared mango and pineapple together to make a yellow fruit puree
  3. Use half of this fruit puree to completely and half-fill some of the ice lolly moulds
  4. Add the strawberries to the remaining yellow fruit puree and blend
  5. Pour the red fruit puree on top of the half-filled yellow fruit puree in the ice lolly moulds and completely fill the others
  6. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  7. Freeze

Instructions on how to make a batch of Tandem Ice Lollies using the two colour pouring technique can be found at the bottom of the ice lolly tips page.


How to Make 2 Different Hide & Seek Ice Lollies using Recipe 1


Yellow Hide & Seek Ice Lollies
Three yellow Hide and Seek Ice Lollies on a plate

Mango, Pineapple and Strawberry Ice Lollies



  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Cut some of the prepared mango and pineapple and all the strawberries into pieces
  3. Place the pieces of fruit into the ice lolly moulds
  4. Blend the mango and pineapple together to make a yellow fruit puree
  5. Pour the yellow fruit puree over the fruit in the ice lolly moulds
  6. Use a teaspoon to remove any air bubbles in the fruit puree
  7. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  8. Freeze


 Red Hide & Seek Ice Lollies
Three red Hide and Seek ice lollies on a plate

Mango, Pineapple and Strawberries
Ice Lollies



  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Cut a third of the prepared mango, pineapple and strawberries into small pieces
  3. Places the pieces of fruit into the ice lolly moulds
  4. Blend the mango, pineapple and strawberries together to make a red fruit puree
  5. Pour the red fruit puree over the fruit pieces in the ice lolly moulds
  6. Use a teaspoon to remove any air bubbles in the fruit puree
  7. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  8. Freeze

How to Make a Red and Yellow Hide & Seek Ice Lollies in 1 Batch

Two red and one yellow Hide and Seek ice lollies on a plate
Mango, Pineapple and Strawberry Ice Lollies

  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Cut a third of the prepared mango, pineapple and strawberries into small pieces and place in the ice lolly moulds
  3. Blend all of the remaining mango and pineapple together to make a yellow fruit puree
  4. Pour half of the yellow puree over the fruit in the ice lolly moulds
  5. Blend the strawberries with the remaining yellow fruit puree
  6. Pour the red fruit puree over the fruit in the ice lolly moulds
  7. Use a teaspoon to move the pieces of fruit around slightly to remove any air bubbles
  8. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  9. Freeze


How to Make Ice Lollies without a Food Blender


Dapple Ice Lollies

Banana Dapple Ice Lolly - left
Mango Dapple
Ice Lolly - right

Method - No blender required

  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Cut the pineapple into very fine pieces (pineapple is difficult to mash with a fork)
  3. Mash the mango, pineapple and strawberries together
  4. Place the mashed fruit into the ice lolly moulds
  5. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  6. Freeze

For a slightly different effect or flavour use a banana instead of the mango as demonstrated on the left in the photo above. If you are not keen on strawberries, then raspberries would work well too.


How to make Traffic Light Ice Lollies

Use Recipe 1 to create a red and amber fruit puree for the traffic light ice lollies and the Kiwi ice lolly recipe to create the green.

Traffic Light Ice Lolly (left below)
Traffic Light, Splatter and Splodge ice lollies

Traffic Light Ice Lolly - left
Splatter Ice Lolly - middle
Splodge Ice Lolly - right


Recipe 1 - to create the red and amber
1 ripe mango
3 pineapple rings (tinned or fresh equivalent)
6 medium strawberries


  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Follow ice lolly Tip 1 along with recipe 1 to create the red and amber fruit puree to make the Traffic Light ice lollies
  3. Use the Kiwi ice lolly recipe to make the green
  4. Follow the instructions on how the make the Traffic Light ice Lollies


Kiwi Ice Lollies Recipe - Ice lolly image

1 small banana
- 1 or 2 depending on the size or ripeness of the fruit


  1. Wash and prepare the fruit
  2. Blend the kiwi and banana together
  3. Pour the green fruit puree into the ice lolly moulds
  4. Add the ice lolly handles in position
  5. Freeze

For the Traffic Light ice lollies follow up to number 2 above and then use the green fruit puree along with the instructions below.

Traffic Light Ice Lollies

The Traffic light ice lolly has been made using Recipe 1 to make the red and yellow fruit puree for the traffic light. Kiwi and banana were used to make the green fruit puree. The number of kiwis required to make the right colour of green may vary due to the ripeness or size of the kiwi used. For green ice lollies simply blend the prepared banana and kiwi together, pour the fruit puree into the ice lolly moulds, add the ice lolly handles and freeze.


  1. Fill the first third of the ice lolly moulds with the red fruit puree
  2. Fill the 2nd third with the yellow fruit puree
  3. Fill the 3rd third with the green fruit puree
  4. Place the ice lolly handles in position
  5. Freeze

The tips and information on this website will have given you some idea on how to make ice lollies. Not all fruit goes well together but through trial and error you will start getting some idea.  More ice lolly images (using Recipe 1) for inspiration and other ice lolly recipes can be found on the fruit ice lolly website. If you prefer to follow a recipe to make different ice lollies and discover lots more ice lolly tips you might be interested to have a look at my 'Craft Ice Lollies Fun to Make and Healthy Too!' ice lolly recipe book.



Fruit Ice Lollies © M Greenman July 2023